Terms & Conditions

The Food KARMA app functionality is accessible only with accepting the terms and conditions.

The Food KARMA bonus scheme may be used once you request and receive a first-time passcode from us.

Food KARMA is available to individuals aged 18 and over. Providing us with your date of birth is therefore required.

The Food KARMA app is for personal use only, businesses are excluded for the bonus scheme.

The Food Karma bonus scheme is only available via purchases in our physical store.


In order for a purchase to be eligible for bonus collection, your own live Food KARMA screen has to be presented (not screenshots and not names). Similarly, to be able to use your bonus top-up, your own live Food KARMA screen has to be presented (not screenshots and not names).


We reserve the right to cancel, withdraw or alter the Food KARMA at any time, including these terms and conditions and the top-up scheme.


To enhance the Food KARMA app and to increase its safety, we may occasionally introduce new features. If there are significant changes in the terms and conditions they will be included in a new app version.


Privacy and data collection notice

The Food KARMA app may collect some identifiable and relevant usage information for both business and for technical purposes, aiming at assuring the smooth operation (download and functionality) of the app.

We utilise analytical tracking to gather information about how this app is used. We use this information to help us calculate the number of downloads the app has received, and which features are most used.

We process your personal usage data for carefully considered and specific purposes which enable us to enhance the services we provide. This could include segmentation, creating targeted offers and discounts, or to promote relevant products and offers which we feel may be of interest to you based on your prior purchases with us.

Data collection includes the following information: purchase receipts, discounts given, bonus top-ups, product enquiries.


Length and objective of data storage

Your personal data will be stored for as long as we are required to hold it for legal reasons.

We will never sell your personal data.

We will never share your personal data or your usage data with any third party.