FR Coeur de Neufchatel FCC

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The Coeur de Neufchatel is from the village of Neufchatel-en-Bray, Normandie. Legend says that in the 14th century, during the Hundred Years’ War, women would present this heart-shaped cheese as a gift to their lovers...
It is a soft, and slightly crumbly cheese, made from unpasteurised cow's milk, usually compared to Camembert, with a coarser and firmer texture beneath a thicker bloomy rind, which develops during maturation in caves where penicillium is naturally present. It has savoury and earthy flavours, with lactic notes, more delicate than those of a Camembert or a Brie. Its pretty shape and balanced flavours make it a very pleasing option for a soft cheese on a cheeseboard.